Interview with Gabriel (Gabe) Gust



Gabriel Gust was born to Andrew and Dolly Gust on March 6th, 1931 in Newhalen, Alaska.  Gabe has six sisters and one brother, however his older brother and one of his sisters are now deceased.

Gabe spent the first 6 or 7 years of his life living in Newhalen.  Then in 1937 Gabe and his family moved to Kokhanok, AK.  When Gabe was 16 he traveled back to Newhalen and attended school there for a year. Gabe enjoyed going to school, and even though it was only for a short period of time, he still reflects fondly on his memories of school. 

As a kid Gabe always played outdoors.  He especially enjoyed playing at the beach.  During the winter, Gabe would sled often.  He created sleds from empty cardboard boxes or various animal furs.  As Gabe grew older, the work he was required to do became harder and Gabe learned life was no longer all fun and games. He remembers having to pack water for the house whenever it was needed, even if it was in the middle of the night.  He would also have to chop and pull wood by hand, using a sled to hold his haul.  Gabe also helped raise the family's dogs, and recalls that feeding and running them was very hard work.

One winter in the mid-1950's, Gabe, along with Nick Wassillie, Simeon Wassillie, and Simeon's family, started on a dog sled trip from Newhalen to Igiugig. During the trip the group got caught in a bad snowstorm, Gabe and Nick managed to find their way to Igiugig, but Simeon, his wife, and his children got separated from Gabe and Nick and were later found frozen to death.

Gabe has spent most of his life in Igiugig.  During the summer months he would commercial fish in Bristol Bay and work for a barge service out of Levelock.  He served as the Igiugig School janitor and maintenance man for nearly 9 years.


Now Gabe is now retired and spends most of his time outdoors gathering wood, boating, and fishing.  He enjoys the freedom he has (not having to work) and the ability to go around doing the things he loves. 



Gabe Gust visiting Anchorage.

Gabe (left) and Joe Wassillie in Kokhanok.

Gabe and his parents in Ancorage.

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Last Updated: July 5, 2007